Create My Living Will

A simple site to create your living will.

Living Will

What you will find on this site is a free set of tools to allow you to fill out a form and create a basic living will form that is accepted in most of our states. Once completed bring it to your attorney to approve

Human Rights

The desire for this site came from seeing people's basic human rights not acknowledged. When we are in a position of helplessness, our basic rights need to be protected, most often by your healthcare proxy

Healthcare Proxy

Our form allows for you to designate a healthcare proxy. Your healthcare proxy will make decisions in alignment with your wishes regarding healthcare given to you while you are incapacitated. Please choose wisely.

Our Human rights

What will your final hours be like? Do you know?

Dictating your final wishes ahead of time, takes the pressure off your loved ones in a time of great stress.

8 May 2014

Death, it's a topic nobody likes to talk about but it's a matter of fact that everyone is going to die at some point. What happens if you are incapacitated or cannot speak for yourself during a time when decisions are being made about your health care? A living will (also known as an advanced health care directive) simply makes your wishes known just in case you aren't able to adequately convey your desires to your care givers. It also establishes a health care proxy who you appoint to be able to make decisions on your behalf in the event you're not able to communicate those wishes. It's not anything complicated and we've actually made it as easy as possible to create, just simply click the get started link and fill in the prompts and hit submit. Get Started

Reason to have a living will

Why should you use it? Let's say for instance you decide that you don't want any treatment if it's determined that you are brain dead and you are involved in a car crash that leaves you in that state ( brain dead and/or comatose ). Your health care proxy would just show the Living Will to the doctors caring for you and they will know not to put you on a life support system. This is of course a basic example but hopefully you understand the gist of what happens. It just makes sure that your desires regarding your treatment are followed to the letter. More information on Living Wills

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